Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Small Successes

I've been doing Weight Watcher's online for a week now. While I've only lost about a pound, that's still a pound less than I weighed this time last week. To me, that's a success. A small success, but success none-the-less.

I haven't kept to the program like a diet Nazi or anything. I don't eat everything I'm supposed to. I'm no where near getting all the fruits, vegetables, "essential oils", water, or all the other suggested goals for the program. But, that's ok. It's only Tuesday, and I'm totally over my 35 extra "points" for the week. But, that's ok. I ate 85 points yesterday when I was only "supposed" to eat 28 points for the day. BUT THAT'S OK!

Before I started last week (for the kazillionth time), I would quit when I would "blow it" the first time. Or, I would blow it one day, then blow it for the rest of the week. I'm sticking to it this time, and I am convinced it is because my mindset has changed. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I've even been called a control freak one or twice (or a million times). While I consider those personality strengths, it's also been my downfall and weakness in the past when it came to my weightloss. When I started Weight Watchers again this time, I decided to do it online so that I have no excuses not to continue. When I did it before and I missed a meeting, I gave myself leave to miss another, and another, till I was totally off track. When I didn't follow it "perfectly" before, I wouldn't allow myself to fail totally, so I decided to "start again," instead of admitting defeat, but my "starting again" began weeks or even months later. The change this time is that I'm allowing myself not to be perfect, and I'm not trying to control myself so rigidly, which has allowed me to make mistakes but more importantly to pat myself on the back for small successes.

While a half pound loss isn't monumental, it's a stepping stone. I went over points yesterday in a BIG way, but at the end of the night when more appetizers were placed in front of me, I didn't eat any. That was a success to me. I am not following the plan perfectly, but I haven't quit, I think consciously about what I'm eating, I'm avoiding foods I know are my "trigger" foods, and I'm being honest with myself and allowing myself not to be perfect, and not getting down on myself for my faults. Successes, big or small, are successes and need to be recognized. Faults recognized and corrected turn into successes. This time, it's all about success for me. That's why I know I'm going to be successful... because I already am, and I can count all the small ways.

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