Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Weight Watchers and a Wedding

Anyone who reads my other blog knows that I recently got engaged. That's right, the fatty with the "pretty face" snagged herself a man, for real. The fact that I'm getting married is spurring me to lose the weight for my wedding.

I love it when people say, "Oh, you should lose weight for yourself, not for anyone else." Bologna. While that may work for most, it isn't and hasn't worked for me. What do you do when you are active, in perfect health, and think you look really good, except for that tire around your middle? You stay the way you are, because you don't see the weight as that big of an issue. That's me. I've talked about losing weight. Sometimes the weight irritates me. I can't get my bras at Victoria's Secret (they don't have one in Alaska anyway, so that's not a big deal). But, my weight does bother my fiance. Maybe bother is not the right word. Men are visual creatures. I know he doesn't find the tire sexy, just as he doesn't find the Michelan man sexy. There's also a reason why there's no Pillsbury Dough girl. Extra weight on women, rolls, bags and bulges, isn't attractive. Yes, there's a double standard. Women are lard asses, men are husky. But, I digress. The weight does bother my boyfriend, and that is impetus enough for me to look for the next Weight Watcher's meeting in my area (oh, and the fact that I'm paying a monthly membership and am not using it).

I love my fiance. I think he's a wonderful man, and I believe I'm blessed to have him in my life for so many reasons. He has everything money can buy, so what I want to give him for a wedding present is a thinner and in shape bride. This is something only I can give him, and something he will appreciate and cherish because he will see me working so hard to give that gift to him.

So, while this blog started out as a blog about my Alaska Fat March, it's morphed into "My Walk Away the Fat Wedding in Alaska March," or something like that. I did get a tread mill for the new house, I now have space to do my Walk Away the Pounds videos, we have no back yard fence and that fact requires me to have to walk the dogs instead of let them just head outside to do their business. I have 45 weeks and a day till my wedding day on August 8th, 2008. Realistically, and with no exaggeration, I have about 100 pounds to lose. I don't think it's unrealistic to think that I could lose at least 70 by my wedding.

Weight Watcher's, here I come. I'll be going on Saturday mornings with a friend, so I'm accountable to show up. Fruit instead of candy, here I come. Good-bye latte/pastry breakfast, hello oatmeal. Good-bye blue cheese salad lunch, hello soup and cheese-free salad. Good-bye pasta dinners, hello grilled chicken, brown rice and brocolli. I guess I'll also start putting my weight on here, and hope my fiance doesn't read this blog.

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